Through creative writing, I practice observation and use words thoughtfully. I am particularly experimenting with writing country music song lyrics, children’s books, and spiritual or Christian poetry. Check out my creative writing below.

The Friend

Sitting in a dark room, she sits alone
with a heart yearning to express itself.

In another dark room nearby, a piano sits alone
with ivory yearning to be tickled.

‘Why cannot the piano be my friend?’ she thinks.
with stiff legs she introduces herself to Steinway,
and in return she receives a great gift.

Her body is no longer stiff, no longer limited.
Her eyes no longer shed tears.
Her fingers dance across the black and white keys.
Her ears open up and hear the sound of music.
Her soul spreads its wings and flies.
Her heart has found freedom.
And her mind has found relief.

She is now content
with the company of a friend.

Children’s Play

Playing music on the keys, she discovers a joy and a light in the sound that reminds her of little children on a playground.

The sound alone tells a colorful story of the youthfulness that bounces with joy.

What Can America Achieve?

enormous, steep,
scorching, perishing, callousing,
The climb is summoned by a new spirit -
overcoming, unyielding, conquering,
bright, energetic,

From the Past to the Future

fond, sentimental,
remembering, romanticizing, reminiscing,
Letting go of the old to reign in the new -
hoping, expecting, anticipating,
promising, optimistic,

The American Flag

Standing high, it represents the home of the brave.
And with each blow of the wind, you’ll see it flap and wave.
Not only does it stand high; it stands big and tall.
Not just one person it stands for; it stands for all.
It’s a flag for everyone from sea to shining sea.
It’s a flag for freedom, unity, and democracy.
You can find it all over the place across the country.
You’ll find it near truck stops, on windmills, and even in a tree.
It has 13 stripes that are bright red and white.
And it has 50 stars like the ones you see at night.

Working in the Truckstop Diner

I’m reminiscing about the good old days
when this work didn’t feel so lonely.
I am grateful for the strangers who come,
but not as many come these days.

I’m cleaning up some greasy food.
I’m throwing away uneaten pie.
I was happier back then,
but I’ve got to be grateful for the good.

At least one couple sat in this booth,
leaving a napkin on the checkered floors.
The restaurant hasn’t totally been forgotten;
it’s just not as good as when it was in its youth.

A New Day

It’s a new day for the sun to shine.
Wake up, and be free. The day is yours, and the day is mine.

It’s a really great day for the sky to be blue.
Look up high! And see the birds soaring too!

On this new day the birds really sing.
It’s fun to sing with the birds and hear their songs ringaling.

It’s a new day for the earth to move.
It’s amazing how all the people really get into a groove.

On this new day I’ve got two feet on the ground.
It’s love that makes the world go around.

It’s a really great day to go out and seize the day.
Neighbors wave, and people laugh and play.

It’s a new day to run and skip outside.
It’s more wonderful to do this with friends by my side.

On this new day I wear a smile on my face.
I do all that I need to do with a heart filled with grace.

It’s a Beautiful Thing

It’s a beautiful thing to share a smile with someone on the street and see and feel the light in a stranger that you greet.

It’s a beautiful thing to hold the door open for someone and lighten their load as they are carrying a ton.

It’s a beautiful thing to buy flowers for a friend and have them delivered at the day’s end.

It’s a beautiful thing to write a handwritten note and share some kind words and an inspiring quote.

It’s a beautiful thing to let someone go in front of you and help them not wait so long in the queue.

It’s a beautiful thing to buy a gift for your family member and show that you care and that them you remember.

How Will I Best Use the Moment?

How will I best use the moment?
Will I pray?….or will I vent?

Will I think about all that’s going on?
Or will I think about all that’s going wrong?

I must say that life is more joyous when I pray.
And living in gratitude for God is the way.

So I will make the most of each minute, each day.
I will remember to love and thank God always.

And I will find a way to help someone somewhere.
I will turn to God to help me show some care.

God’s Grand Story

For your life, eternally to God be the glory;
so let Him conceive of and write your whole story.

Your story He’s been writing since the beginning of time.
He’s been thinking you up as someone loved and divine.

This story never ends; it’s always unfolding.
In His eyes you’re amazing; your character he’s molding.

There’s never been a minute when you’ve been separated from Him.
God has not created you without thought on a whim.

Yes, sometimes mortal lies sure do like to creep in.
Like “I’m lacking, I’ve been fired, or I’m full of sin!”.

But God can reveal a world full of His plans.
For in reality everything is ordered in His hands.

So choose to see you in the way God sees you.
Be part of what He’s crafting with the grand view.

No Need to Compare

Sometimes I struggle with the tendency to compare,
and I struggle with the suggestion that life is unfair.

But I stop to see this as the tempter’s great snare,
for God provides for me and all everywhere.

So if you’re struggling as well, be true to you,
and don’t let the illusion skew your view.

There’s no need to compare; you’ve got all you need.
God gives to you when you follow His lead.

Do I master this goal every day that I’m alive?
Well surely it’s an endeavor for which I strive.

And writing this poem helped me express my voice.
In these ideas that God gave me I do rejoice.

I’m Afraid the Masquerade Is Over

I’m afraid the masquerade is over.
The enemies have had an exposure.
I see behind the mask of lies,
despite how sneaky is the guise.
Covering up the legit self with error,
the mask mocks the true light bearer.

As the mask falls off, the foes flee,
leaving the real face for all to see.

Tuning into Myself

This month I’m tuning into myself.
I’m tapping into what brings me health.
I’m doing what makes me come alive.
I’m focusing on areas where I thrive.
I’m no longer saying yes to people blindly.
I’m instead choosing things designedly.
I’m no longer suppressing the ngative feelings.
I’m being aware of them to experience healings.

Weaving Webs with ‘What If?’

What if for good God is working all things out?
What if I have nothing really to worry about?
What if I stop worrying about all of the mishaps?
And what if God weaves his web for good, perhaps?
…like what if I find a dollar in my washed jeans today?
And what if this helps me pay for a latte at the cafe?
What if I have a good convo with the barista?
And what if we talk about being an artiste?
What if she then invites me to see a dance show?
What if the show is about the work of Van Gogh?
And then what if I begin learning to paint?
What if I paint a brown cottage that’s quaint?
What if I go visit a real one in the country?
What if its owner invites me in for tea?
What if we talk about spirituality and fine art?
What if she shares a book about the heart?
What if I buy the book to read to myself?…
and then donate the book to the community bookshelf?
What if someone else finds this book to read too?
And what if he shares online a five star review?
And what if the what ifs go on infinitely?
As God weaves his web for good intricately?

A Self-Love Potion Recipe

I have a new self-love potion recipe.
It’s better than any other prescribed remedy.
It consists of some ways to seek love within;
so mix them together, and pour them in.

A handful of mindful moments
A cup of the love deep within
10 sprinkles of affirmations
A gift to yourself
A spoonful of self-worthiness
30 minutes to make and drink this potion each week

Step 1:
Take the time to enjoy some mindful moments,
and mix them in; they are a core component.
Step 2:
Pour in a cup of the love within you’re soul;
this love in the drink will make you feel whole.
Step 3:
Sprinkle in affirmations about you that are good,
including aspects of yourself that go misunderstood.
Step 4:
Add in what makes you happy, and give yourself a gift.
Amidst fulfilling all your duties, give yourself a lift.
Step 5:
Gush in a spoonful of remembrance, of how you’re worthy of love.
for it is love that this potion is born of.
Step 6:
Set aside a time to follow these steps each week.
And enjoy the potion, letting it make you feel unique.

I Love Me, I Love Me Not

I love me, I love me not…
the push and pull that leaves me distraught…
like I’ll have one loving thought…
and then comes hate’s onslaught…
trying to compete, playing on repeat, and working to defeat…
all the thoughts towards myself of love that I’ve had
to make me again feel bad…and sad… rather than glad.
Do I listen to the hate? Do I take the bait?
If I’m wise, with love, I can argue back,
and overcome, with love, the hateful attack.
I love me, I love me not…
it’s like a childhood game…
of picking flower petals in love’s name…
but this time, it’s not over a boy…
it’s over self-hatred’s ploy:
the ploy to steal my joy.

I love me, I love me not…
Which one do I choose?
Do I withstand the hateful abuse?
Or towards myself do I seek clearer views?
I love me, I love me not…
At last, I choose I love me…
because it’s love that sets me free.

Framing This Moment

I’m framing this moment… because it was a moment well-spent, as I felt contentment… and a higher sense of fulfillment. I’ll hang the frame on the wall… so that I’ll be able to recall, and see a remnant… of this glorious moment.

Most People are Kind

When I open my eyes there’ a truth that I find.
The fact that I find is that most people are kind.

Like strangers smile kindly at me in public spaces.
It’s so uplifting to connect with such welcoming faces.

And strangers make room for me when I’m driving in traffic.
They help me switch lanes in ways that are empathic.

And people I know make space to listen to me.
I can tell what they want for me is for me to feel free.

These are just a few ways that people have been kind.
They give me hope in the goodness of mankind.

So if you’re having a rough time in life, it’s ok.
But know there are many making this be a better day.


I feel a little exhausted emotionally, honestly
I’ve been through all the highs and lows
One big feeling after the next
I just can’t get a break from the throes

These feelings feel like a hurricane
I just don’t know what to do with them
These feelings feel like a whirlwind too
They sure do cause me a lot of mayhem

But sometimes I find a glimpse of peace
As I hear God’s voice when I pray
Sometimes I find a glimpse of goodness
As a glimmer hope shines through my day

The peace within shows me what’s real
And the glimpse of goodness stills my heart
The glimmer of hope eases my pain
And shows me that from love I can never part

These stormy feelings are not really mine
They’re just trying to stop me from being me

These feelings are just destructive feelings

that pull me away from what makes me feel free

Don’t Foret to Look Up

Don’t forget to look up at the sky.
And when you do, look up high,
pay attention to the birds soaring by,
and see how in a flock they orderly fly.

Don’t Forget to Open Your Eyes

Don’t forget to open your eyes,
see the new day dawning in the sunrise,
and how all of nature is harmonized.
There’s beauty all around that you may realize.

Don’t Forget to Open Your Heart

Don’t forget to open your heart
with a fresh attitude at each day’s start.
Be willing to give freely and do your part,
and live your life like it’s a work of art

Careers Introduction

Every day on the earth people everywhere work,
with some making art; and some working as a clerk.

In the world there are over 12,000 types of jobs.
People everywhere work because they don’t want to be slobs.

So let’s go on an adventure and learn about careers,
to help you decide what you can do in future years.

From a truck driver to a teacher there’s many things you can be.
I hope you can find the work that lets you feel free.

I’m going to introduce you to six different workers.
They work hard every day; they surely aren’t shirkers!

The Architect

He starts work every morning by eight-thirty
with some tea before getting his hands dirty.

His job requires him to be analytical and creative.
He also gets to be original and innovative.

He shares these traits by producing plans for structures.
He’s the one who designs the building for constructors.

Every type of building from a home to a skyscraper
is what he sketches and draws on draft paper.

Intricate details for a foundation he lays,
helping create spaces for people to spend their days.

And something else he does is make sure designs follow laws.
He must ensure they are safe and have no flaws.

The Data Analyst

With a coffee in hand, she gets to work by eight,
and then analzyes metrics like the customer retention rate.

Her job is to report statstics to her business
and make sense of data that looks like a big mess.

She codes in tools like R, SQL, and Stat.
These tools help her create order in the data.

As she works to run computations and calculations,
she does so with a mind full of dedication.

She loves to solve all the company’s math problems
and find relationships between a dataset’s columns.

By understanding if there are statistical correlations,
she helps provide leaders with key information.

The Police Officer

She’s also a professional who works day and night,
making sure everyone is safe and alright.

She does her work by enforcing the laws;
by upholding them, she serves a good cause.

Sometimes she has to find people to arrest,
or take people to hospitals when they are distressed.

And sometimes she does research to investigate crimes,
or print out tickets to give to people as fines.

She does all this work with good morals and principles.
For she hopes people are good citizens, not criminals.

At the end of the day she hopes to protect lives.
Helping fight transgressions is for what she strives.

The Truckdriver

He’s a professional that works day and night;
so sometimes he’s working when there is no light.

He drives carefully on both roads and highways.
For steering the wheel he sure does deserve praise.

From state to state he transports many goods.
Through his work he learns to know the backwoods.

He’s very needed for a productive supply chain,
driving on days and nights even when there’s rain.

When he’s not driving he maintains his truck,
making sure it works well so he doesn’t get stuck.

Driving everywhere he really learns the land,
and gets to visit and see new places firsthand.

The Doctor

She wakes up at six to get to work by eight.
With ten families on her caseload, there’s a lot on her plate!

Every day she helps children stay healthy and well.
Sicknesses they experience she helps them to quell.

Heights, weights, and eyesights every day she measures;
little hearts and minds is what she most treasures.

Shots and stickers are some of the things she provides,
making sure that kiddos can have the best lives.

“Eat an apple a day” is what she tells kids.
And too much sugar is what she forbids.

At the end of the day she sees the growth of young children;
the type of doctor she is is a pediatrician.

The Teacher

She begins the day early, waking up close to four,
grading students’ papers and marking their scores.

She then leaves her house, arriving by eight to school.
The students arrive at nine; this is the rule.

She greets every student with a handshake or hug.
She then collects cellphones; there’s a school rule to unplug.

After chapel, begins class, filled with new concepts to learn;
students study their books, one page at a time they turn.

Inspiring confidence in students is her duty,
helping them learn things like where is Djibouti.

Students’ love of learning she hopes to instill,
for she hopes they can live lives in which they feel fulfilled.

The Journalist

He starts each workday a little before nine,
completing projects due to meet the deadline.

His job is to write about the news in the world,
shining a light on events that have unfurled.

Talking to people to gather details about events,
he listens compassionately for new story contents.

And researching records, he discovers key facts,
that validate what he learns from his leading contacts.

Then he writes articles about what he learns,
ready to be published for citizens they concern.

Each day for him is a new adventure,
where a love for the truth is at the work’s center.

The Bookseller

Every morning, she comes to work right at eight,
ready to make the day in the bookstore great.

Helping people find books is what she does,
with a knowledge of what keeps the world abuzz.

After sharing a smile with each customer who walks in,
she helps people find stories to begin and then end.

She also sorts and shelves thousands of books,
making sure not to disturb people hiding in nooks.

Checking people out, she takes cash and cards with care,
so that people can take home something to read in a chair.

And at the end of the day, she locks up the place,
making sure no one can break into this special space.

The Barista

Every morning, he comes to work right at six,
ready to fill each person’s unique coffee fix.

Day in and day out, he works all day long,
making each drink, in the rhythm of a song.

As each customer comes up to the cash register,
he makes each one glad for their expenditure.

Good conversations with each customer he sparks,
especially when a complicated order is barked.

He remembers each coffee drink’s recipe by heart,
crafting each drink like he would a work of art.

And at the end of the day he cleans up the store,
preparing it for tomorrow, when he walks again through the door.

Career Closing

After reading about all of these different careers,
do you know what you want to do in future years?

It’s ok if you don’t; you have many years to decide.
Hopefully the poems in this book served as a guide.

There are many types of careers out there that you can explore.
Maybe you will find something you have never thought of before.

Gabby’s Gratitude List - version 1

One night, Gabby complained to mama, “I had a terrible day today”.
Gabby then said, “nothing at all went my way!”

Mama responded, “that’s ok” but encouraged Gabby to have an attitude of gratitude.
“But be thankful”, she told Gabby, “because that will help you have a joyful mood!”

So each new day Gabby started going around and counting her blessings.
And each night with mama she started remembering all of the little things.

One night, Gabby listed things like the warm sun that was bright.
And she listed things like her favorite dress with a bow, which was blue and white.

“There’s so much”, Gabby said, “to be grateful for!”
“I am going to think of more and more and more!”

“I am grateful for the bus ride to school when I sat by Lucy, my new friend.
The windows were down on the bus today, and we could feel the coolness of the wind.

I am grateful for my teacher who teaches us how to read.
Today we read a book by Jory John, which is called ‘The Bad Seed’.

I am grateful for the lunch server who always smiles at my classmates and me.
She’s always wearing a pretty bracelet that says ‘Be Free’.

I am grateful for recess when we went to the playground.
Today we played basketball, and I got the rebound.

I am grateful for the time to have fun after school.
Today I got to go to practice swimming at the pool.

I am grateful for the spaghetti my brother and I ate for dinner.
The pasta was so good because it was thinner.”

Then Gabby said, “Thinking of all these things sure is a mood enhancer.
Now I know that feeling grateful for everything is indeed the answer!”

“Good job on being grateful”, said mama. “This list is yours to keep.
And now that you’ve developed this list, you can sweetly sleep”.

“Good night”, said Gabby to mama, as they shared a kiss.
“Tomorrow night I will share another list.”

Gabby’s Gratitude List - version 2

Every night Gabby snuggled in bed with mama.
And every night Gabby and mama talked about how the day went in their pajamas.

One night before bedtime, Gabby complained to mama, “I had a terrible day today”.
Gabby then said, “nothing at all went my way!”

“I’m so sorry”, said mama, “what happened?
What has made you feel so saddened and maddened?”

“I forgot to set my alarm clock last night,” said Gabby, “and that led me to miss the bus.
Then, when I got to school late, my teacher made a big fuss.

When we had coloring time I did not get to use my favorite crayon.
When I looked in the box for my favorite purple one it was gone.

Someone in my class spilled juice on me, and it got on my shirt.
Unfortunately it also stained my new skirt!

There was a leak in the roof, and I got wet.
Getting wet made me feel so upset.

At recess, while running and playing tag, I slipped.
Because I fell on the ground, my t-shirt ripped.

And tonight for dinner we ate a disgusting meal.
It was a grownup dish that had in it salmon and eel.”

Mama responded, “I understand. That all sounds terrible.
I’m sure right now life feels really unbearable.”

“But,” mama said “I encourage you to keep an attitude of gratitude.
Being thankful will help you stay in a joyful mood!

You can pay attention to all the good things that happen too.
And when you think of these things, you won’t feel as blue.”

So each new day Gabby started going around and counting her blessings.
And each night with mama she started remembering all of the little things.

One night, Gabby listed things like the warm sun that was bright.
And she listed things like her favorite dress with a bow, which was blue and white.

“There’s so much”, Gabby said, “to be grateful for!
I am going to think of more and more and more!

I am grateful for the bus ride to school when I sat by Lucy, my new friend.
The windows were down on the bus today, and we could feel the coolness of the wind.

I am grateful for my teacher who teaches us how to read.
Today we read a book by Jory John, which is called ‘The Bad Seed’.

I am grateful for the lunch server who always smiles at my classmates and me.
She’s always wearing a pretty bracelet that says ‘Be Free’.

I am grateful for recess when we went to the playground.
Today we played basketball, and I got the rebound.

I am grateful for the time to have fun after school.
Today I got to go to practice swimming at the pool.

I am grateful for my brother’s and my dinner, which was macaroni and cheese.
I even tried the vegetables my dad made and liked the peas.”

Then Gabby said, “Thinking of all these things sure is a mood enhancer.
Now I know that feeling grateful for everything is the answer!”

“Sometimes life does not always go my way.
But if I remember the good things that happen, it brightens the day.”

“Good job on being grateful”, said mama. “This list is yours to keep.
And now that you’ve developed this list, you can sweetly sleep”.

“Good night”, said Gabby to mama, as they shared a kiss.
“Tomorrow night I will share another list.”

A World Filled with Love

A mailman takes letters to each house in town.
While walking he smiles at a woman with a frown.

The woman then began to smile too.
When she got home she made her sick neighbor some stew.

When eating the stew the neighbor began to feel better.
When she got out of bed she knitted her friend a sweater.

The friend loved feeling cozy and warm.
To give back, she provided shelter to a family caught in a storm.

The family was grateful that they had a place to stay dry.
While in shelter the family made their teacher a pie.

The teacher was happy to have a sweet treat to eat.
She gave out clothes to people in need on the street.

The people were glad to have something to wear.
The people wrote thank you notes to a preacher with a prayer.

The preacher rejoiced that people were thinking of him.
He rolled the wheelchair of a man with a broken limb.

The man appreciated he could go to the park.
To another man there he shared a kind remark.

The other man was delighted with what the man said.
The other man continued to share love, and throughout the town the love spread.

So the lesson is that one small thing can lead to a world filled with love.
For love is what we’re all truly born of.

Life is Forever Evolving - version 1

Rivers flow into the sea
A seed becomes a tree
Leaves change from green to gold
Humans grow from young to old

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

Caterpillars transform into butterflies
The same Sun that sets will rise
The moon turns from a crescent to a whole
The Earth is always spinning its poles

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

A blue sky becomes one of rainshowers
Buds blossom into flowers
Bees create honey out of nectar
All of the earth is connected

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

Life is Forever Evolving - version 2

Rivers flow into the sea
A seed becomes a tree
Leaves change from green to gold
Humans grow from young to old

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

Caterpillars transform into butterflies
Other creatures also metamorphosize
Chemicals and metals alchemize
Life continues when a plant dies

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

A blue sky becomes one of rainshowers
Buds blossom into flowers
Bees create honey out of nectar
All of the earth is connected

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

The same Sun that sets will rise
And it’s light leads things to energize
The moon turns from a crescent to a whole
The Earth is always spinning its poles

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

Life is Forever Evolving - version 3

Rivers flow into the sea
Where they meet’s an estuary
A seed becomes a tree
Where birds can nest and be free

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

Leaves change from green to gold
Humans grow from young to old
They too grow from simple to wise
And life continues when a leaf dies

Caterpillars transform into butterflies
Other creatures also metamorphosize
Chemicals and metals alchemize
Dreams are born and then crystallize

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

A blue sky becomes one of rainshowers
Which leads buds to blossom into flowers
Bees create honey out of nectar
All of the earth is connected

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

The same Sun that sets will rise
And it’s light causes things to energize
The moon turns from a crescent to a whole
The Earth is always spinning its poles

Life is forever evolving
No day is ever the same
The world is continuously revolving
So nature can reach its aim

Good Going On Today

I wake up and make the bed
I make sure that I am fed
I put on my boots and walk out the door
I am ready to see what this day has in store

I get in my car, and I put in the keys
I’ve got my window down, and I’m feeling the breeze
The radio is on; I’m listening to the news
There are stories of people creating new products to use

I arrive at my workplace and walk in and say hello
It’s a new day on the grind; this I know
So I turn on my laptop and I get to work
I put my mind on my projects and refuse to shirk

Someone comes over and invites me to lunch
I say of course I’ll go and enjoy a munch
We talk about work and how the day is
The day is going well, gee-whiz

In the pm I leave work and go for a walk
I get on the phone with my mom for a talk
Outside I see someone doing a kind deed
Every kind deed is a little seed

After the walk I get home, and I rest
I remember all the good things that make me feel blessed

Chorus: There’s good going on today, so why don’t I sing
I am glad about all the things that the good Lord brings
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping
The world is moving, the people are smiling

Because I’m a Woman, I Can

I’m driving my car with no place to go
I’m flipping through stations on the radio
I’m finding joy in the journey of flying solo
And learning to be free and let the past go

I’m going through Tennessee and Indiana
Wisconsin, Missouri, and Louisiana

Like Geoff Mack and JCash, I’m going everywhere, man
I’m going all these places because as a woman I can

I’ve been through my share of breakups and heartbreaks
I’ve also made my share of dreadful mistakes
But I’m putting the past in the rearview mirror
And I’m ready to see life a little bit clearer

I’m going through Tennessee and Indiana
Wisconsin, Missouri, and Louisiana

Like Geoff Mack and JCash, I’m going everywhere, man
I’m going all these places because as a woman I can

Traveling these roads brings freedom to me
I feel like I can truly and independently be
I’ve been singing in my heart every day’s a new day
Every day is a new day for life on the highway

I’ve been to Tennessee, Missouri, and Indiana
Wisconsin, Georgia, and Louisiana

Like Geoff Mack and JCash, I’ve been going everywhere, man
I’m going all these places; as a woman I can

I’ve been meeting all sorts of people here and there
I’ve been learning that there are good people everywhere
The people, they come from many different walks of life
Stories to tell with which they are rife

I’ve been to Tennessee, Missouri, and Indiana
Wisconsin, Georgia, and Louisiana

Like Geoff Mack and JCash, I’ve been going everywhere, man
I’m going all these places because as a woman I can

My Heart Lies in the Country

For a few days I’ve been in the city
Enjoying the skyline which is so pretty
But my heart must return to the country now
I’ve got to get back to the farm somehow

There’s nothing like the fields of grass that grows
There’s nothing like the nearby river that flows
There’s nothing like the cows that moo
There’s nothing like the sky so blue

This farm is my home
Wherever I roam
My heart lives in the country forever

There’s nothing like the truck that’s red
There’s nothing like the cornbread
There’s nothing like the fresh grown food
There’s nothing like the quietude

This farm is my home
Wherever I roam
My heart forever lives in the country

I’ll take a train southbound
Into this small town
So that I can return home

This farm is my home
Wherever I roam
My heart lives in the country forever


Some people come here from the west
I’m coming here from the east
I’m coming to Nashville for music fest
There’s no place better to say the least

I’m here for Taylor, I’m here for Kasey
I’m here for Dolly, I’m here for Johnny
I’m here for bluegrass and country western
I’m here for guitars and also mandolins

Once I get here I’ll have fun downtown
I can’t wait to see all the red neon signs
With my boots I’ll stomp on the ground
And meet some people dancing in lines

I’m here for Taylor, I’m here for Kasey
I’m here for Dolly, I’m here for Johnny
I’m here for cowboys, I’m here for guitars
I’m here for bluegrass, I’m here for country

I’ll put in requests on the jukebox
And I’ll sing along to my favorite tune
I’ll sing the song about the boondocks
And also about the stars and the moon

I’m here for Taylor, I’m here for Kasey
I’m here for Dolly, I’m here for Johnny
I’m here for cowboys, I’m here for guitars
I’m here for bluegrass, I’m here for country

I’ll take a turn at writing here a lyric
About God and romance and country skies
I’ll learn from all the legend’s music
As I compose a song in my blue Levi’s

I’m here for Taylor, I’m here for Kasey
I’m here for Dolly, I’m here for Johnny
I’m here for cowboys, I’m here for guitars
I’m here for bluegrass, I’m here for country

Headed towards Memphis

I’m heading to Memphis to dig into my roots
I’ve got on a country hat and some worn in boots
I’m driving westward on the highway known as music highway
There’s nothing better than this; it’s a beautiful day

I’m looking forward to seeing family and eating some bbq
I’m hoping to go to Beale street and listen to great music too
I used to come here in the summers when I was a young child
This is where the heat in the summers was not mild

In the car, I’m listening to Elvis, the King and some JCash
I’m listening to “Walking in Memphis” too and having a bash
When I get to the city my cousins will all be there
There’s 13 of us and boy do we’ve got a prayer

Our grandparents’ stories we all love to hear
It’s fun to learn of what it used to be like here
They tell tales of how Memphis used to be the country
Where people’s spirits could more easily be free

Now it’s become more developed they say
But it’s still fun to come here to stay


These boots of mine that I love…they’ve been everywhere.
They’ve walked down many roads.
They’ve dug their heels into the dirt.
Can’t you see? They’ve really been worn.

These worn-down boots that I love…they’ve traveled the world.
They’ve stepped on rocks.
They’ve run through grass.
Can’t you see? They have some holes in the soles.

These beloved boots are mine…they’ve been my best friend.
They’ve gone down lonely pathways.
They’ve skipped across sidewalks.
Can’t you see? They’ve become sturdy and strong.

These wonderful boots that I love…I keep them tied real tight.
They’ve kept me feeling snug.
They’re as comfortable as can be.
Can’t you see? They’re my favorite.

These boots of mine that I love…They’ve gone the extra mile.
They’ve done more than I could’ve asked for.
They’ve survived the hard work.
Can’t you see? There’s some pep in every step with them.

Just Live

Just live.
It’s all you have got to do.
Truly live.
Take it all in.
Do something new.
Have a good laugh.
Dance on the street.
Play some great music.
Really live.

I Am One in A Sea

I am a voice in a sea of voices yearning to say something kind.

I am a conscience in a sea of consciences desiring to do the right thing.

I am a body in a sea of bodies learning to be free.

I am a heart in a sea of hearts seeking to love more.

I am a set of eyes in a sea of eyes looking to see the good.

Flying Solo - Rough Draft

There’s a bird sitting on the fence alone.
She lifts her wings so gracefully.
How I long to be like this lone bird, peacefully knowing who I am.

The Lone Bird

The lone bird flies high through the spring trees.
The lone bird sits still on the ground.
The lone bird sails gracefully on the yellow driving sign.
The lone bird rests on a walking sign.
The lone bird launches and lands onto a brown tree branch.
The lone bird flutters with the wind amongst the green leaves.
The lone bird rises high in the sky.
The lone bird perches on the electric wire.
The lone bird glides with the wind.
The lone bird pecks at the lead.
The lone bird flaps his wings just above the ground.
The lone bird stands on a fence.
The lone bird finds her support on the power line.
The lone bird scurries through the grass.
The lone bird expands her wings.
The lone bird swoops down to hover over the river.
The lone bird feathers her wings above the water.
The lone bird stands on the grass.
The lone bird skates on the ice.

Girl, Stop

Girl, stop, and take a look. You got a smile to wear. You got a style to share. Please take a hard look.

You are wonderful. You are beautiful. So mirror, mirror, please see a little clearer.

My Own Way

Momma’s never left Shelby County
And don’t want nobody telling her what to do
But I got faraway dreams, ain’t no townie
This place is just for passing through

But Not Today

I’ve been crying, crying, crying
But not today
Learning to leave it in yesterday

Joy Sprouts from the Earth

As the tulips trumpet and the daisies dance,
I feel the joy sprouting from the earth.
As the birds chirp and the rabbits hop,
I witness this season’s worth.
As souls rejuvenate in sunbeams and beings renew their hope,
I sing along in gratitude for a spiritual rebirth.

The Stained-Glass Window

In my home, there’s a window, through which the sun can shine.
The red, heart-shaped center represents St. Valentine.
Surrounding the heart is a stained glass handiwork.
Of blue, green, and yellow, it’s a clouded patchwork.
The colors grow bright, when steeped in the sun’s beams,
and the floor courts it’s shadows as the light gleams.

Big Red Bow

There is nothing like a big red bow
that I can put on top of a gift for you
or tie in my hair for a classic do
or wrap around the church pew.

Peaceful Chaos

From jam-packed parking lots to long lines in the airport, it is the time of year of peaceful chaos. People are rushing to buy ingredients for their holiday party, shopping at the last minute for the presents for their family, and arriving to the airport extra early to make their flight on time…like everyone else is. It also can feel like the to do list is so long that one never checks everything off…the things to do are endless. But amidst all the hustle and bustle, there are glimmers of good cheer, with people excited to give and receive, and the promise of Jesus Christ, who brought peace and good will to all mankind, motivating the season.

Hanging Up Ornaments

‘Tis the season for hanging up Christmas ornaments
and decorating the house with other adornments.
My favorite I’d say are wreaths and peppermints.

‘Tis the season for stockings filled with presents galore,
thanks to Santa who bought everything in the store.
The best gift I’ve gotten is a book on folklore.

‘‘Tis the season for going with neighbors caroling
and then drinking some eggnog and reveling.
There’s the good news of Christ we can enjoy heralding.

‘Tis the season for lights, both fire and candlelight.
And ‘tis the season for twinkling stars shining at night.
In the darkness there’s a world filled with things merry and bright.

Driving Home for the Holiday

Eager to travel home to see family for the holiday that is filled with all things merry and bright, and shades of red and green, a throng of car drive like flocks of birds flying in the sky, along winding roads, and between white dotted lines.

The golden sun shines through the brown and barren trees, and every radio station plays Christmas music, at least intermittently.

Every other mile, there stands a blue sign marking the next gas station or fast food restaurant, where gracious people stand behind logos like Cracker Barrell, McDonald’s, and Exxon and are ready to let you use the restroom, if not take your cash in exchange for a meal.